Why Choose Trademark Chamber?

Our Seamless Sign-Up Procedure

Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring
Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring
  • 1
    Provide Business Details

    Fill out the form to inform us of your business needs.

  • 2
    Preparation and Submission

    Our skilled legal professionals will handle the planning and filing of your trademark application with the USPTO

  • 3
    Receive Your Registration Serial Number

    Within 24 hours, we guarantee to deliver your trademark registration serial number.

About Us

Find out Why Trademark Chamber is the Best Place for Trademark Filing

Trademark Chamber has assisted numerous individuals in obtaining strong trademarks in the US by customizing our services to fit each specific situation and prioritizing the needs of each client. Contact us to learn more about the trademark registration process and how the Trademark Chamber simplifies it for businesses.


Our Services

Trademark Search

It is essential to conduct a trademark search before registering your logo as a trademark. The Trademark Chamber will examine the database of the USPTO to identify any potential conflicts before you submit your application. If there are any issues, we will address them promptly to ensure a smooth and unencumbered application process.

Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring
Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring
Statement of Use

To trademark your logo with the USPTO, you must file a Statement of Use (SOU) which shows that your trademark is being used in inter-state commerce. Once you have submitted your trademark registration application, we will work with you to draft the Statement of Use (SOU) to ensure it meets legal standards and is acceptable to the USPTO.

Office Action Response

After your trademark application is received by the USPTO, examiners may send you an "Office Action" via email or letter. It is important to reply promptly to any Office Actions from the USPTO to avoid any difficulties or delays in the trademark registration process. If any disputes arise, the USPTO will send an official letter known as an "Office Action" to resolve them. Our team of experts can assist you in addressing these challenges and responding effectively.

Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring
Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring
Trademark Renewal

The Trademark Chamber is your one-stop solution for all your trademark needs, whether you're registering a new trademark or renewing an existing one. With a decade of experience in handling trademark applications with the USPTO and a team of specialized trademark lawyers, we have the expertise to meet your trademark needs.


Trademark Filing with USPTO in just as low as $49!

We make sure that your trademark registration is handled by top-notch lawyers and is processed efficiently and in a timely manner. REGISTER TRADEMARK NOW
Trademark a Logo, Trademark a Brand Name, Trademark a Phrase, Trademark a Name, Trademark Business,Name, Trademark Slogan, Trademark Registration Online, Trademark Filing, Trademark Attorney, Buy Trademark, Trademark Monitoring

Frequently Asked Questions

  • • Why is trademark filing with USPTO important?

  • How long does the trademark filing process take?

  • What documentation do I need to provide for trademark filing?

  • Can I file a trademark for my business name and logo together?

  • Can I file a trademark for an existing product or service?

  • How long does the online trademark registration process take?

  • What is the cost of trademark filing?

  • What does R & TM stand for?

  • What are trademark classes?

Advantages of Trademark Filing with the USPTO

Meet Our Clients

Trademark Filing with USPTO in just as low as $49!

Get your Trademark Registration Serial Number within 24 Hours!